About Purton Youth FC
Benefits of playing youth football
It’s no secret that exercise makes us feel good mentally, emotionally and physically. Playing sport helps children gain confidence in their abilities, improve balance, flexibility, coordination, strength, and posture.
Football is an inclusive social tool that brings together children of all ages and different backgrounds and helps to teach them to become team players which is a useful life skill. Playing sport helps children gain confidence in their abilities, improve balance, flexibility, coordination, strength, and posture.
Joining a youth football team will also give a child the chance to forge friendships with their team mates that can last a lifetime. So why wait? Get in touch now.
Why Join Purton Youth FC?
Purton Youth Football is an established club that prides itself on respect, development and fairness for U6-U16 children of all standards.
Purton Youth Football Club is an important feeder-club for the overall success of Purton Football Club and an important pillar of local village life. It’s a friendly club, very well run and when all the teams are up and running we support ages U7-U16’s.
Where we train
PYFC currently trains on the all weathers football pitches at LPA school.
Each squad has access to a range of training aids to help develop player skills. There access to toilets in the school building by the sports hall.
Each team train every week, depending on what team your player is in will depend on your training days and times. Some teams train weekday evenings or Saturday morning throughout the year at LPA school. NWYFL matches are generally on Sundays and home games will be at Bradon Forest.
Some teams have additional training sessions, please note that this is not included in the players membership and there is an additional charge, which coaches can explain to you.
Exact training times differ between squads – please contact the relevant coach for details.

Club Officials
PYFC is run entirely by volunteers for the benefit of our community and the development of grassroots football. Our committee will be pleased to help with any enquiry you may have.
Chair: Darren Orpen – PYFC.chair@gmail.com
Vice Chair Stuart Butler-
Registration Secretary: Iain Watts – play4purton@gmail.com
Child Welfare Officer: Rachel Bedwell cwopurtonfc@gmail.com
Kit & Equipment: Simon Bedwell kitmanpyfc@gmail.com
Treasurer: Robert Leach pyfcrobert@gmail.com
Coaches and Squads
All coaches are required to have DBS clearance and to have completed basic FA Playmaker and Safeguarding training. Each squad will have at least one coach with a First Aid for Football qualification. Many of our coaches have attained the FA’s Level 1 “Introduction to Coaching Football” qualification and we also have UEFA Class ‘C’ (Level 2) qualified coaches.
Please see the Home page for a list of this season’s squads.
Club Documents
PYFC maintains codes of conduct for coaches, spectators and players and it is important for all members to be aware of and compliant with these, as they underpin safeguarding and respect for all.
Perhaps our most important commitment is that we will “place the wellbeing, safety & enjoyment of each player above everything including winning.” This means that as coaches, players and supporters we must be inclusive of all abilities and attitudes, even if we think it might affect our competitive edge. Other points in our codes cover developing mutual trust, promoting fair play and high standards of behaviours and encouraging players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
Please also familiarise yourself with our policies on bullying, social media, discipline and complaints.
PYFC Players code of conduct
Spectators, parents & carers code of conduct
Coaches, managers & officials code of conduct
PYFC Club rules
Safeguarding policy
Anti-bullying policy
PYFC Complaints procedure
Disciplinary measures & Sanctions
Social media policy
Parent Information
We always strive to meet exceptional standards in the way our club is run, and we place our players’ welfare at the heart of everything we do. We’re always looking for ways to improve and expand our club and the support and feedback from parents, players and supporters is invaluable. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please let one of the committee members and let them know, we’re always open to ideas.
Our membership fees of £20 plus processing fee per month, per player for one training session and matches. We also have a training only membership for £15 plus processing fee per a month. Memberships covers the hire of pitches, training equipment, FA CRB checks for volunteers, and FA courses for our staff including safeguarding and first aid. We also cover insurance for players in the event that they should suffer an injury.
We use Teamfeepay as part of our registration process, please contact us for a free trail and if you wish to join us your coach can provide further information for signing up.
As parents and supporters, you also have an important role to play in the enjoyment and safety of our players. Please take a few minutes to read and familiarise yourself with our codes of conduct and the FA’s Respect initiative by visiting their website.